Adrenals and Cortisol Testing: Hidden Patterns of Weight Loss Plateau

Are you constantly finding yourself stuck in a frustrating cycle of weight loss resistance? Does this cause you STRESS that you wish you could avoid? If you’re nodding your head, feeling defeated by stubborn fat that won’t budge, and muscles that refuse to tone, you’re not alone!

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion in many of our lives. But how does our body respond to this constant pressure, internal and external, and what can it tell us about our overall health? The key lies in understanding our adrenal glands and the crucial hormone they produce: cortisol. You’ve likely heard TONS of things about cortisol, from belly fat to weight gain and more. In this article, I’ll dive deep into the world of adrenal function and cortisol testing, to clear up a lot of confusing information as well as to uncover surprising truths and hidden patterns that could be the missing piece in your weight loss and wellness health puzzle.

The Adrenal Glands: Your Body’s Stress Responders

Perched atop each of your kidneys, like tiny triangular hats, sit your adrenal glands. Despite their small size — each about the weight of a grape — these powerhouses play a crucial role in your body’s stress response and overall health.

The adrenal glands are composed of two distinct parts:
1. The adrenal cortex (outer layer): Produces steroid hormones including cortisol, aldosterone, and small amounts of sex hormones.

2. The adrenal medulla (inner layer): Secretes catecholamines, including adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine).

These glands produce several key hormones:

– Cortisol: Often called the “stress hormone,” it regulates metabolism, helps control blood sugar levels, influences the immune system and tons more.
– Aldosterone: Helps regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance.
– DHEA: A precursor to sex hormones, it plays a role in immune function and metabolism.
– Adrenaline and Noradrenaline: These “fight or flight” hormones prepare your body for immediate action in stressful situations.

The Stress Response: Adrenals as Responders, Not Creators!!

This is one of my favorite things to discuss because there are too many people, “experts” pigeon holing blaming all issues on the adrenals. And that is simply NOT the case!

It’s a common misconception that adrenal glands “create” stress. Here’s an analogy… In reality, they’re more like loyal soldiers, responding to orders from higher up the chain of command. The real orchestrators of the stress response are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in your brain, working together with the adrenals in what’s known as the HPA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal) axis. (I know, science-y but I had to 😉 ).

When you encounter a stressor— whether it’s a looming deadline, an argument with a loved one, a near-miss in traffic, or even an intense workout — your hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland, which in turn signals the adrenal glands to release cortisol and other stress hormones.

Understanding this pathway is crucial because it highlights an important truth: a cortisol problem is never really the root cause of a cortisol problem. The adrenals are simply responding to signals they receive. The real culprits behind cortisol imbalances often lie elsewhere:

– Chronic stress (emotional or physiological).
– Sleep disturbances.
– Inflammatory conditions.
– Nutrient deficiencies.
– Gut health issues.
– Environmental toxins (heavy metals, mold/ mycotoxins, etc.)

This understanding should shift our focus from merely treating symptoms to uncovering and addressing the underlying causes of adrenal dysfunction. This is exactly why I changed the way I work with clients on hormone balancing about 10 years ago!

Ready for help?! Struggling with the stress of finding the right balance of Macros that works for you? This is exactly what I do with my clients in both my 1:1 coaching as well as my group Weight Loss Accelerator program.

Cortisol Imbalances: Beyond Just “High” Cortisol

When discussing cortisol, there’s often a focus on high levels and their negative impacts. However, the story of cortisol is far more nuanced. Both high and low cortisol levels can wreak havoc on your health, and understanding this balance is key to optimal wellbeing.

The Dangers of High Cortisol

Chronically elevated cortisol can definitely lead to a host of health issues. I don’t want to take anything away from that. I also just want people to realize that LOW cortisol can be just as problematic.

High Cortisol Issues:
– Weight gain, especially around the midsection.
– Impaired immune function.
– Digestive problems.
– Mood swings and anxiety.
– Sleep disturbances.
– Decreased bone density.
– Increased blood pressure.

Low Cortisol: An Equally Serious Concern.

Low cortisol, often associated with terms like “adrenal fatigue” or HPA axis dysfunction, can be just as problematic:

– Difficulty handling stress.
– Low blood pressure.
– Dizziness upon standing.
– Cravings for salty foods.
– Fatigue.
-Over eating to compensate for lack of energy.
– Weakened immune system.
– Mood disorders; depression, anxiety, etc. in an otherwise emotionally healthy person.

The Importance of Cortisol Rhythm

Beyond just the overall amount of cortisol, the daily pattern or “rhythm” of cortisol production is crucial. Normally, cortisol follows a diurnal rhythm:

Highest in the morning, helping you wake up and feel energized! Gradually decreasing throughout the day as a normal pattern. Lowest at night, allowing for restful sleep. There should be no hard crashes at any point, no feeling “tired and wired” and/ or not feeling completely exhausted. All of which are very common with the women over 40 that I work with.

So as you can guess, and perhaps you have likely experienced, disruptions in this rhythm, even if total cortisol production is “normal,” can significantly impact your health and wellbeing.

Cortisol Testing: Understanding Your Options

Given the complex nature of cortisol production and its far-reaching effects on health, accurate testing is crucial. However, not all cortisol tests are created equal. There is a lot of controversy, and quite frankly, disagreement about the cortisol testing.

Blood Cortisol Testing: A Limited Snapshot…

Blood tests for cortisol have been the standard in conventional medicine for years. While they can provide useful information in certain situations, they have significant limitations:

– They offer only a snapshot of cortisol at a single point in time.
– They can’t capture the important daily rhythm of cortisol production.
– The stress of the blood draw itself can artificially elevate cortisol levels
– They only measure total cortisol, not the free cortisol that’s actually available to your tissues.

Urine Cortisol Testing: The Superior Choice for Functional Evaluation.

Urine testing, particularly the DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) test, has emerged as the gold standard for functional cortisol assessment. Here’s why:

1. Captures Daily Rhythms: By collecting multiple samples throughout the day, urine testing provides a complete picture of your cortisol rhythm.
2. Measures Free Cortisol: This is the active form of cortisol that your tissues can actually use.
3. Assesses Cortisol Metabolism: Urine testing can show how your body is processing cortisol, providing insights into issues like inflammation and thyroid function.
4. Comprehensive Hormone Panel: Many urine tests, including DUTCH, assess other hormones alongside cortisol, offering a more complete picture of hormonal balance.
5. Non-Invasive: There’s no stress of a blood draw to potentially skew results.

Saliva testing is also available. It is actually what I started using over 17 years ago – but that was because urine testing wasn’t even available yet!

So in any case, while blood testing might still be useful in certain acute medical situations, urine testing provides a far more comprehensive and accurate representation of your adrenal function for ongoing health management, as well as getting to the root cause of daily symptoms.

Interpreting Cortisol Test Results: Uncovering Hidden Patterns

Having a comprehensive cortisol test is only the first step. The real magic lies in proper interpretation, which goes far beyond just looking at whether numbers are “high” or “low.” This is where the expertise of a seasoned practitioner becomes invaluable.

Given the complexity of hormonal interactions and the potential for underlying issues skilled practitioners, like myself, who have been working with clients for many years, know that cortisol results don’t exist in a vacuum. They must be interpreted in the context of your overall health, symptoms, and other test results. This holistic approach can uncover patterns that point to underlying issues you might never have suspected.

Connecting the Dots: Cortisol and Other Body Systems

1. Thyroid Function… Cortisol and thyroid hormones have a complex relationship. High cortisol can suppress thyroid function, while low cortisol can mask underlying thyroid issues. Patterns in your cortisol results might indicate:
– Hypothyroidism.
– Thyroid hormone conversion issues.
 – Subclinical thyroid dysfunction.

2. Gut Health… The gut and adrenals have a bidirectional relationship. Cortisol can impact gut function, and gut issues can stress the adrenals. Your cortisol patterns might reveal:
– Intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”).
– Chronic infections.
– Dysbiosis (imbalanced gut bacteria).

3. Liver Detoxification… Your liver plays a crucial role in hormone metabolism, including cortisol. Abnormal cortisol metabolism patterns could indicate.
– Impaired liver detoxification pathways.
– Toxin overload.
– Nutrient deficiencies affecting liver function.

Embrace a New Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss, Fat Loss & Wellness!

From testing to next steps, it’s important that these things happen with interpretation:
– Identify subtle patterns that might be missed by less experienced eyes.
– Connect your test results with your symptoms and health history. DO NOT JUST TREAT THE LAB RESULTS! I see this all the time and it’s a huge mistake.
– A targeted rebalancing plan is created that addresses root causes, not just symptoms.

Then, once you have a clear picture of your cortisol patterns and their potential implications, it’s time to take action!

Embrace a New Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss, Fat Loss & Wellness!

If you’re tired of the endless cycle of restriction and frustration, it might be time to consider a new approach. Combining with bloodwork and functional testing protocols, can be the key to not only to lowering stress levels, but to unlocking your body’s potential, repairing your metabolism, and finally achieving the sustainable results you’ve been seeking.

Remember, your journey to optimal health and the body you desire doesn’t have to be a lonely struggle. With the right guidance and a personalized approach, you can break free from the calorie-cutting trap and embark on a path to lasting wellness and vitality.

Ready to discover how reverse dieting can transform your health and body?

Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Your journey to sustainable weight loss, fat loss and vibrant health starts here!

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